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World Language Assessment

Do you read, write, speak, and understand a language other than English?

World Language Assessment is a wonderful opportunity for students to earn four competency-based credits toward graduation by showcasing your ability to engage in conversation, understand written or spoken text, and present information orally and in writing. Based on a student’s level of proficiency, students can earn up to four high school credits. Students that earn four credit and complete their English requirements will earn the Seal of Biliteracy distinction on their high school diploma.

To qualify for the credits, students will take a test to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language. Students must complete all sections of the test to receive a score. Partial credits are not available for speaking only.

This test is fully paid for by the Tukwila School District, and free to Tukwila School District students. This year, we are expanding this offering to students in Grades 8-12.

For more information please contact Shelby Abrahamian at