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Takeout: Retaining Data After Graduation

For students, your account follows you throughout your school career.  When you graduate, however, those accounts are shut down.

While graduating seniors have a great many concerns that are of importance to them in their final year of school, it's also necessary to plan ahead.  After you graduate, your s- Tukwila-Google accounts terminate by August.  There may be many files and evidence of learning you will want access to after graduation.  Fortunately, Google has a solution for this called Google Takeout.

Google Takeout is simple enough to use, although not a quick band-aid.  It will probably NOT be something seniors can do on your last day as you're walking across the stage.  The average senior should plan on dedicating a minimum of 2 hours to the task.  The earlier you prepare, the fewer things you will forget and then remember after it's too late.

The amount of material you save will affect the time it takes to process. The size of files will impact the time it takes.  A 2-page essay will copy in no time at all.  A drawing or other images will take nominally longer.  Audio-visual material always takes the longest.  Any music and video material takes up file space, and therefore takes time to move.  The larger the file, the longer the move takes.   If you have taken Mr. Sandoval's/Mr. Crawford's classes, you are likely to need more time transferring work (we recommend final copies only and not drafts) than other students, and should plan on a minimum of 6 hours (even as much as 24 hours) to transfer your material.

You can remove your material to a zipped file on a thumb drive or other storage media, or you can move to another location on a personal Google account or a Dropbox account.  This should be decided before you start.

You can review the Takeout help files at

You can access Takeout directly at

If you have difficulties, Data and Technology Services staff can provide after-school assistance in the library.  To arrange assistance, email  at least 2 school days prior to the requested help session.